Springfield (Hollywood Taxi) & Portland, OR in November, 2000 are featured here. Below is link to California shows & other DNB tours.
Taxi One Taxi Two Taxi Three Taxi Pink Taxi Four
(48K) 640 x 480
(42K) 640 x 480
(42K) 640 x 480
(34K) 640 x 480
(40K) 640 x 480 Portland Pulse Portland Pink Deep Blue Pastel Brain Nelson's Colors
(44K) 640 x 480
(40K) 640 x 480
(37K) 640 x 480
(41K) 640 x 480
(46K) 618 x 462 Deep Nelson Nelson Dosed Nelson Dosed 2 Nelson Dosed 3 Band Melt
(50K) 621 x 466
(46K) 620 x 465
(50K) 618 x 466
(49K) 618 x 472
(51K) 617 x 474 Deep Green
(46K) 617 x 466
Rainbow Puddle Home Nov. 2001 California Shows Back to Photo Album
This page created on a Macintosh using PhotoPage by John A. Vink.